"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you never know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." ~Anais Nin
Shortly after arriving In South Korea, my friend Mary had her mum mail her a book from her room that she tought I should read. This book was The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma. I read it promptly at her suggestion, and it struck a chord with me. It lead to me to make many changes with the way I think, process, and react. I can't lie, I have since read it a second time, and constantly revisit my notebook of quotes or certain chapters, because let's face it humans are creatures of habit. I imagine that continuing to revisit these words that reminate so strongly for me, i will gradually have to refer to them less and less because they will be easier to access from my mind.
"Worry drains the mind of much of its power and sooner or later, it injures the soul." ~Robin Sharma
"...I do suggest that you start to see your mind for what it is -nature's greatest gift." ~Robin Sharma
"We might not be able to control the weather or the traffic or the moods of all those around us. But we most certainly can control our attitude towards these events." ~Robin Sharma
"An event that appears to be a tragedy to one might reveal the seeds of unlimited opportunity to another. What really separates people who are habitually upbeat and optimistic from those who are consistently miserable is how the circumstances of life are interpreted and processed." ~Robin Sharma
"Success is all about running your own race, feeling comfortable in your own skin and living your life on your own terms." ~Robin Sharma
"If you listen to your crtics, you will never do anything great. And the dreams you bravely hold in your heart will die a slow death -crushing your passion and personal brilliance with them." ~Robin Sharma
"The harder the climb to your personal mountain top, the more unforgettable (and gorgeous) the feeling when you eventually get to the top." ~Robin Sharma
"Success is wonderful. But significance is even better." ~Robin Sharma
I'm going to start putting up weekly quotes that somewhat represent what I'm feeling at that time, or that makes me feel good, or is particularly inspiring to me at the moment.
May 26,2010: "Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth."
Benjamin Disraeli, British politician (1804 - 1881)