Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reverb11: Day 20 - Friendship

Friendship - What kind of friend were you in 2011?  What kind of friend do you want to be in 2012?

Absent.  Distant.  Disconnected.  That is the kind of friend I was in 2011.  Firstly, that was due to the fact that I was not in Canada for the first 5 months of 2011.  Backpacking removed me from the internet, which for the previous 2 years was my only mode of connecting with friends.  Secondly, when I got home from being away for so long I threw myself into work, which is absolutely no excuse, but putting so much energy into work made me very lazy in all other aspects of my life.  Having the choice to relax at home in my pj's or go out drinking with friends, I would choose the option with pj's, so although I was back in Canada I was still very much so absent except for special occasions.  

Supportive.  Present.  Connected.  Optimistic.  That is the kind of friend I want to be in 2012.  I know that I need to push myself a little more to go out and be social after working for 10.5 hours being social and giving all of my energy to my yoga students.  I know that I need to be more willing to get off my couch, away from my computer or book or sketchbook, and connect with friends.  

My friends truly mean so much to me.  They are extremely important to me and I most certainly regret being lazy about spending time with them.  So in 2012, I am making a promise not only to them but to myself to stay connected, be present in their lives, be supportive with whatever I can, and bring as much joy and optimism to their lives as i try to bring to my students lives.  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reverb11: Day 15 - the unexpected teacher

Teaching Moment - Sometimes we find teachers in the most unexpected places.  Who surprised you as a teacher this year, and what did you learn?

We certainly do find teachers in the most unexpected places.  This may sound ignorant, but I never thought that I would consider a person with little to no education as a teacher.  However, late in 2010 I met a person who very quickly became a teacher to me in so many ways, which continued long into 2011.  

When describing him to people I would often say that he was incredibly wise, peaceful, and happy.  That although he was younger than myself and has little education, that he taught me a great deal about myself, about love, and about life.  

This person is Hermansah.  The man I met and fell instantly in love with while traveling in Indonesia.  I had never experienced this before.  Never felt instantly connected to another person.  Never felt drawn to another person despite my better judgement.  But there I was, falling in love at first sight with a man three years my junior, whose home is quite literally on the other side of the world to my home, who has no formal education past high school, who has a job that pays him the equivalent of $80 a month, and who has never left his small island.

There were so many impossibilities right from the start.  

But there was no way to turn away from this love without giving it a fair shot.

We were together for an amazing month from the start, and me being as honest as usual about my apprehension about our relationship, he quickly put my worries to rest saying, "follow your heart".

I left Indonesia to continue my travels as planned.  While traveling I grew to know very quickly that my heart was still in Indonesia despite my body and my mind being in whatever country I was in at that moment.  With my strict budget, there was no room for doubling back to a country I had already been to and that required a flight, but in keeping with Hermansah's teachings I threw caution to the wind, "followed my heart", and said a big old Eff You to my budget, spontaneously booking a flight back to Indonesia. 

We spent last Christmas and New Years together, and decided we didn't want to be apart again so we decided to travel together, Hermansah leaving his country for the first time.

We traveled through Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand together before parting ways once again where I went to India for 3 months, and Hermansah went back home to Indonesia.

While apart we spoke over the phone as much as humanly possible, sending messages on facebook as often as we could, and sending our love across the ocean.

I had planned to go back to Indonesia after India, but while in India I got some big big sister was pregnant.  It honestly was bittersweet.  On one side I was so happy for her, and excited to finally become an aunt (it was a long time coming), but on the other side it meant that I would need to go home to Canada and hold off on Indonesia.  

Having been away from Canada for 2 years already at that point, I made the difficult decision to head home, arriving back in Canada in May 2011.  Once home Hermansah and I continued skyping and messaging on facebook whenever possible, and we began the long process to get a tourist visa for him to come visit Canada and meet my family.  We finally heard back from the Canadian Embassy in September.  Hermansah was declined his tourist visa.  We were both devastated, disappointed, and defeated.  Initially, I began getting things organized to reapply.  I purchased land in Indonesia so that he would have more "ties" to his country.  He enrolled in school for a 2012 start to add another reason why he would need to go back to Indonesia since the Canadian government doesn't deem family as reason enough.  

Soon I started to grow very stressed and tired with the whole process.  I started to realize that if it was this difficult to get him a tourist visa, imagine the difficulty in getting a resident visa if thats what we wanted to do down the road.  After my niece, Rayah, was born on September 23rd, I fell in love with her at first sight.  For the second time in my life, I felt instantly connected to another being, albeit in a much different way than with Hermansah, but nonetheless it was there.  

I realized even more at this point that it was unlikely I would relocate permanently to Indonesia.  I knew I would definitely be up to living abroad again for a year or two, but not likely permanently.  This lead me to a very heartbreaking decision.  One which I will perhaps never know if it was the "right" decision, but one that needed to be made at that moment.  We still speak occasionally, I still think of him, I still miss his presence in my life, but all i can do at this point is focus on my present moment and not worry about the past or the future for that matter.

In our 11 month relationship, Hermansah never stopped teaching me.  The biggest lesson was that he taught me to love wholeheartedly, without discrimination, without investigation.  He taught we to not dwell on the past, just keep moving forward, following my heart at all times and with every action.  Hermansah taught me to be patient with myself, and others.  He taught me to be patient with life.  I had never met anyone who could calm me when stressed with so little as a smile and a gentle touch.  Hermansah taught me to cherish my family.  His respect and love for his mother bringing him into this world especially amazed me.  His simultaneous strength and sensitivity showed me that I too can be strong despite my very active tear ducts.  I can't even put into words how much this one man taught me.  I will forever cherish our story close to my heart. 

Aku Cinta Kamu Selalu

Reverb11: Day 18 - Let's do lunch!

Let's Do Lunch! - If you could have lunch with anybody, who would it be and what would you like to discuss?

Five words: His Holiness the Dalai Lama.  

I get chills just thinking about this.  I want to have lunch with this man so badly I can already taste the meal we'd have!

I would discuss everything with him.  From the "simple" things of life like the art of happiness, to the more difficult subjects like the convergence of science and spirituality.  

Honestly, I would be happy to have a cup of tea with him while he just talks endlessly.  I would sip on my tea and soak up all that could that came out of his mouth.

What an amazing thought!

"Even more important than the warmth and affection we receive, is the warmth and affection we give. It is by giving warmth and affection, by having a genuine sense of concern for others, in other words through compassion, that we gain the conditions for genuine happiness. More important than being loved, therefore, is to love". ~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Reverb11: Day 22 - Passion, and lots of it!

Passion - If you could quit your day job and your quality of life wouldn't change, what would you do?

I am doing exactly what I am passionate about, exactly what I love, and exactly what I want to do as my job.  

I recognize that I am so lucky to be able to say that, and i don't take one moment of it for granted.  I am the manager at a new Hot Yoga studio, as well as the main instructor on the roster.  Being a new studio, I know that we could either go big or we could go bust.  Everyday I worry about losing my dream job, everyday I work my ass off to get word out about the studio, to work on being both a better manager and instructor, and to keep the studio clean and welcoming.  

I know that I will not let this studio disappear anytime soon.  It is here to stay if I have anything to do with it, and I will continue to pour my heart and soul into every aspect of it to see it succeed.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reverb11: Day 14 - gratitude

Gratitude - What five (5) things are you most grateful for from 2011?

There are truly so many things to be grateful for from 2011.  I had such incredible experiences, met amazing people, reconnected with old friends, started a new career, and so much more.

To pick only 5 things was a difficult task, but a very welcomed task.  It is always so refreshing to think about the wonderful things in my life!

First, I am so amazingly grateful for travel.  The opportunity to see the things I have seen, meet the people I have met, and experience the things I have experienced is truly remarkable.  I could never trade my experiences for any amount of money, or objects.  I wish everyday for another chance in my lifetime to travel again.

Second, I am grateful for yoga.  I am grateful for all that it does for my mind, my body, and my spirit.  It truly is a gift in my life that I hold very close to my heart.  

Third, I am so very grateful for my family and friends.  I have friends all over the world and they are always ready and willing to talk to me whenever we can organize ourselves accordingly.  They are always there to be an ear, or feel comfortable to vent to me their stresses and issues.  Even if we don't see each other for years at a time, we somehow are able to mesh, fit and be together as if we had never been apart.  My family remain patient with my nomadic tendencies, my wild dreams, and impossible hopes.  They are supportive when and where they can be, and sensitively realistic when necessary.  I am so lucky and grateful for each person that has entered my life, and even for those who have left my life.  All people, passersby or constant, have touched my life in a tremendous, unforgettable way.  I have so much love in my life it is just amazing!

Fourth, I am grateful to have a home, a roof over my head.  Far too many people in the world have no home to call their own, and to think of that fact saddens me to my core.  There is no where that I feel more safe, warm, and comfortable than in my own home.  I truly and honestly love traveling, however it is somehow sweeter knowing that whenever I need to I can go home.  For that, I am forever grateful.

Fifth, I am grateful for the outdoors.  There is nothing like nature to soothe my nerves, calm my mind, and please my eyes simultaneously.  I am very fortunate to have walked through many different forests, jungles, mountains, fields, and deserts.  Each landscape has something different to offer, and each one is equally inviting, relaxing, and uplifting.  

Reverb11: Day 13 - Fears and lessons learned

Fear - What scared you this year more than anything else? Did you learn anything new about yourself?

I wrote about this back when I first came home from traveling and living abroad. I wrote about my anxieties and fears of coming home after so long away.  So that is still my answer!

Coming home scared me more this year than anything else.  Sure there were scary moments while traveling, like going out into the desert on a camel and staying over night in a village in India close to the Pakistan border worried I may be taken as a wife without knowing it, or being threatened with a crowbar by a taxi driver in Vietnam...but the fear of the unknowns attached to coming home far outweighed the fear of becoming a villagers wife or being beaten with a crowbar.

What I learned about myself in my very scary transition home was three fold.  Firstly, I learned that I grow far too anxious about things I have no control over. I create all of these "what ifs" in my head, and really the only answer to the "what ifs" is "so what...if that does happen, I'll still live."

Secondly, I learned that although some of my worries did come true, that there are always very positive things that arise as well.  So instead of worrying about all the potential negatives I should focus more on the potential positives.

Lastly, I learned that being fearful and anxious about things in the future is extremely unproductive and even damaging.  The fear of the 'what ifs' creates stress and tension, and most certainly decreases joy and happiness.  Hopefully I will remember this reflection and remind myself to concentrate on the present moment, and not overly concern myself with the 'what ifs' of the future.

"Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe". ~Tao Te Ching

Reverb11: Day 12 - 12 little things

12 Things - What are 12 things your life doesn’t need in 2012? 
How will you go about eliminating them? 
How will getting rid of these 12 things change your life?

There certainly are things that my life doesn't need.  Some of them are more difficult than others to eliminate.  But what matters is that we work on eliminating those things we don't want or need, as opposed to just accepting its existence in our lives.  

12 things my life doesn’t need in 2012, and that I will try my very best to rid myself of:

1. Stress.  As a yoga instructor, my job is very stress-less.  As the manager of a yoga studio, my job is stressful at times.  As a member of my family, my life is riddled with stress.  Something I have realized is that we cannot control peoples actions, we cannot control illness or death, really we have very little control over things that occur in our lives.  But what we do have control over is our reactions to those occurrences, events, and actions.  So to rid myself of stress I plan to work on my own reactions to the events in my life.  Eliminating stress will allow more joy to come into my life, and it will be such a welcome addition!

2. Anxiety.  I need to let things happen naturally. I tend to become anxious about love, work, and family.  I realize that I need to join the flow of the universe, quit worrying about what will be or should be, because I am not the creator of the flow, I am simply in the flow.

3. Judgement.  We all judge, some of us without even realizing, some of us with full knowledge we are doing it.  Either way I wish for myself to eliminate judgement of both self and others.  It is not productive, it is destructive.

4. Jealousy.  Sometimes i feel jealous of others and their circumstances.  Some people I encounter are very settled and secure in their work life, love life, family life, and life in general, and I find myself feeling a little envious.  I need to simply allow time to develop and explore myself, and my world.

5. Attachments.  It is a constant struggle to remember that a persons happiness is not linked to or identified with anything.  Whatever highs and lows enter my life, I want to remain calm and maintain my happiness.  Knowing that the thing causing the high or low is not linked to my happiness, and that my happiness comes from inside.

6. Negativity. There are a lot of people that carry around negativity, and expel negativity wherever they go.  I tend to receive that negative energy very easily, so I need to eliminate negativity.  This doesn't mean ridding myself of those people that create negativity, just to alter my response to them so that their negativity does not become my negativity.

7. Illness.  Both with myself and with my family.  Unfortunately I have no control over illness within my family, and I have only some control over my health.  

8. People who don't cherish me.  Enough said.

9. Control.  Instead of planning the future, worrying about the future, feeling anxiety about the future, I want to simply enjoy the process in life...then whether I fail or succeed, the result will not weigh heavily on my happiness level. 

10. Living in the past.  Living in the past is deeply destructive, but we all do it.  We need to realize deeply that the present moment is all we ever have.  The future does not yet exist.  The past is over and impossible to change or alter.  I want to make the now my primary focus in my life.

11. People who drive painfully slow and/or don't signal.  Drives me crazy!

12. Clutter.  I need to seriously purge, and seriously organize.  I came home in May thinking that I would be here temporarily and then be off again on another adventure, so I kept things unsettled and cluttered.  I have found my dream job, became an aunt, and have met wonderful people, and know that I will stick around a bit longer than expected so it's now time to fully unpack and un-clutter, and at least semi-settle in to my home again.

I want to live beyond these things.  Live from moment to moment in happiness, health, and harmony.  Live my life with love, energy, awareness, and peace.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reverb11: Day 11 - think less. do more.

Day 11: What do you wish you had done more of in 2011?
Anticipation - What is the one thing that you are most looking forward to in 2012?

I wish I had done more of many things in 2011.  After having seeing a girlfriend last night that I haven't seen in far too long, I realized that I wish I had seen my friends more often in 2011.  

I arrived home in May of this year, and started seeing my friends on a pretty regular basis, but then I started working and using that as an excuse to not go out, to be lazy, and to neglect the things in my life that truly make me happy.

Having said that, the one thing I am most looking forward to in 2012 is making time to see my friends, and spending more time with family.  No excuses, no laziness.  Thinking less and doing more. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Reverb11: Day 10 - a year of beauty

Day 10: Beauty - Describe a moment of beauty you witnessed this year.

I have witnessed a plethora of beauty this year.  At the beginning of 2011 I was traveling around South-East Asia and India, where there is an overwhelming presence of beauty.  

The greenest of greens.

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Senaru, Lombok, Indonesia

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

The bluest of blues.

Kuta, Lombok, Indonesia

Kuta, Lombok, Indonesia

Jodpur, India

The brightest of brights.

Jaipur, India
Bali, Indonesia
Melaka, Malaysia
Jodpur, India

The friendliest smiles.

Praya, Lombok, Indonesia
Kuta, Lombok, Indonesia
Praya, Lombok, Indonesia

Praya, Lombok, Indonesia

Jaipur, India

The cutest faces.

Praya, Lombok, Indonesia

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Jaisalmer, India

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

The clearest waterfalls.

Senaru, Lombok, Indonesia

The most divine sunsets.

Senaru, Lombok, Indonesia

Kuta, Lombok, Indonesia

Vientienne, Laos

The most stunning pieces of architecture.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Agra, India

Jaipur, India

Jodpur, India

Jaisalmer, India

The most creative dances.

Melaka, Malaysia

The most sacred temples.

Penang, Malaysia

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Luang Prabang, Laos

 Aside from all of the worldly beauty I have seen this year, the most beautiful moment of 2011 for me, was the moment I saw my sister become a mother.  The moment I saw my daddy as a grandfather, my mum as a grandmother, and my nanny as a great grandmum.  

Such a precious gift.  Such a miracle.  Such a beautiful moment.