Monday, January 25, 2010

Following Suit: My Mash-up of Dreams, Hopes, and Ambitions List

Answering the call of my blogging sisters, Mary and Sarah, I am unveiling my "Mash-up of Dreams, Hopes, and Ambitions List".

It was strange to put pen to paper and let my wildest dreams, seemingly unattainable hopes, and plethora of ambitions pour out. It was even more strange to read them to myself, and see that some of them can be crossed off already.

This list came from many random lists that have been made over the last year in Korea, and adding new ones to it for good measure. So without further adew, here is my addition to the list train:


2. Be a published author.

3. Be a happy, healthy, and successful owner or creator of a Landscape Architecture firm that is fully sustainable and innovative in both our designs and in the production of designs.

4. Run a half marathon.

5. Be a professor of Landscape Architecture.

6. Get a Masters in a Landscape Architecture related subject more focused on sustainable innovation and design.

7. Get a Phd in related subject.

8. Bring my French back up to par...perhaps by living in France ^^

9. Learn a third language (ahem...Korean?!)

10. Climb Mount Kilamanjaro.

11. Go to Africa on a volunteering venture.

12. Partake in a Buddhist templestay.

13. Go to every museum and art gallery humanly possible across Europe.

14. Start dancing again.

15. Practice yoga in India, and mayhap teach it while getting my Masters and Phd.

16. Live in at least 5 different countries: Canada, Australia, and South Korea two more to go (at least).

17. Get at least one tattoo for every country I live in or have lived in.

18. Start a not for profit organization.

19. Go to the arctic and see the polar bears.

20. Be an inspirational speaker...I guess I need to become inspirational first huh?!

21. Pass all of the LARE exams to get my damn stamp.

22. Go skydiving a second time.

23. See the Great Wall of China.

24. Visit an ancient zen garden in Japan.

25. Backpack around South East Asia.

26. Be brave enough to show my artwork (writing, drawings, photos, paintings, singing, etc.) and take criticism as constructive advice.

27. Travel to at least 50 different countries. 9 down 41 to go.

28. Eat sushi in Japan.

29. Adopt a child...obviously not in the near future.

30. Hike all 20 of the National Parks in South Korea.

31. Hike in Taiwan.

32. Start drawing again.

33. Read 1 book a month.

34. Fall in love, and keep it.

35. Eat cheese, and drink wine in France.

36. Camp in Algonquin.

37. Swim with sharks...a horrifying thought for me, but also extremely intriguing and exciting to me.

38. Eat a giant bowl of spaghetti in Italy.

39. See the Northern Lights.

40. Stop procrastinating.

41. Ride an elephant (outside of a ring at a fair).

42. Just be happy that I am alive and healthy and just forget about all the other shit...cause it’s just shit after all.

43. Get hypnotized to rid my crippling (and embarrassing) fear of needles.

44. Snowboard in BC and Alberta.

45. Run with the bulls in Spain...or at least watch. ^^

46. Heli snowboard and survive it.

47. Nip jealousy in the’s just not productive.

48. Learn how to turn off my tear ducts.

49. Learn how to turn off my overly excessive caring for those that don’t deserve it.

50. Stop being nosy.

51. Learn that it’s okay, and is encouraged to acknowledge how I feel, but then to compartmentalize it, put it away and don’t look back.

52. Become an early riser.

53. Stop thinking so much...but only about unproductive things.

54. Own a MacBook Pro.

55. Learn how to deal with guilt, regret, upset, shame, etc. without spiraling deep within my mind and beating myself up.

56. Don’t be so critical of others, and spend that energy on myself.

57. Paraglide in Korea.

58. Never stop working on personal development, there is always more to learn about myself, people, and the world.

59. Facilitate only loving, encouraging, and giving connections and relationships.

60. Travel with the love of my life.

61. See my parents being grandparents.

62. Fix my knees and back so I can continue to run for a long time to come.

63. See the sunrise in Korea.

64. Learn to love and accept myself completely as I am...but that doesn’t mean to stop working on myself.

65. Stop being so sensitive. Hmm does that contradict #64? Well it’s not that I don’t accept it, it’s just that I just don’t want it. :o|

66. Be an optimist even in the face of shitty, awkward, and seemingly hopeless times...lets face it that’s when optimism is most needed.

67. Take the Trans Siberian Railway and do a traditional Russian Folk Dance.

68. Visit the highly discussed Jewish Museum in Berlin, designed by one of my favourite architects, Daniel Libeskind.

69. See where my mum was born.

70. Periodically check in with myself and disengage from all toxic relationships in my life.

71. Tell my mum how proud I am of her for coming to South Korea on her own and conquering every day trip here with confidence, ease, and a great big toothy grin. I guess I can cross this one off now, assuming she reads this. ^^

72. Go on a trip with my sister and come out alive.

73. See first hand the birds of paradise in Papua New Guinea do their mating dance and song.

74. Travel with my dad to a place where we can go to museums, see beautiful architecture, and learn something new.

75. Go to Afghanistan and help rebuild, renew, rejuvenate.

76. Travel to the ancient Incan ruins of Machu Picchu.

77. Design and build an environmentally friendly home for me and my family.

78. Hold a monkey...not one of the ones with brightly coloured asses though.

79. Eat live octopus.

80. Travel across Canada in a camper van.

81. Have a reunion trip with my girlfriends from highschool.

82. Surf some Canadian waves.

83. Blog at least once a week.

84. Read and support others bloggers consistently.

85. Get a great camera and work on photography again.

86. Explore Ireland, looking for fairies and leprechauns.

87. Revisit New Zealand and climb a glacier again.

88. Revisit Australia and take a helicopter over the Twelve Apostles.

89. Admire the architectural beauty of the Shrine of Hazrat Ali in Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan.

90. Be an Auntie Meaggy to someone other than Jinu...not that you’re not enough Jinu, I just want to be a biological Auntie too :o)

91. Learn to use 3D software for landscape architecture.

92. Become a LEED accredited professional.

93. Never stop working on personal development.

94. Volunteer once a month, doing anything.

95. Be an engaging teacher.

96. Be a phenomenal daughter.

97. Be an encouraging mother.

98. Be an inspiring friend.

99. Be a loving and supportive partner.

100. Live. Love. Laugh.

And as my dear sweet friend Sarah said, for good measure:

101. Triangle slam the universe every day. Seriously try it, it sure as hell does feel good!

My last words on this are that life is short so I want to encourage everyone including myself to go with the flow, love as many people as you see fit, wear your heart on your sleeve, put yourself out there, never stop learning, and be courageous with your heart, mind, and only have one heart, one brain, and one life, so don't limit any one of them.

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you never know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." ~Anais Nin
(that's for you Mary and Sarah)


  1. I love your list!

    10. Climb Mount Kilamanjaro.

    11. Go to Africa on a volunteering venture.

    I went on a canoe trip in Algonquin Canada, one of the best weeks of my life. Highly recommend that one!

  2. I love that Anais Nin quote! It has always been one of my faves, and so fitting for a world traveler! Wow, this certainly is a mountain-high list, but since you love conquering peaks, by no means unattainable.
    I find that it is those personal goals, character goals and personal development changes that can be even more challenging to reach than say, bungee jumping naked and attached to a monkey, kind of goals. That being said, it's great to see that you never want to stop growing, learning and working on the things that need to be worked on!

    Admirable list!
    Now... on your marks, get set, GOOOOO!!!


  3. So weird Meag, I JUST looked at volunteer opportunities in Kenya today...and I gotta say, I am VERY intrigued! So many great things on here that I plan to steal for my own list.

    And I would just like to point out, some of them you have accomplished already, possibly without knowing it, or possibly without giving youself the proper credit you deserve. Like for instance INSPIRING ME, YOUR FRIEND, to re-evaluate my own list. Never under estimate your influence Meag.

    loooooove you! <3


  4. Love your list, Meagan. I'd have to agree with Luanne, don't underestimate yourself!!! You're certainly more than you give yourself credit for.

    You're a wonderful friend and I'm certainly glad to have you in my life. I hope you accomplish every goal and more!

    Fighting, as the Koreans would say. "You can make everything!"

  5. Cross off item 96 love you dad

  6. 71 You can cross this one off now, It was easy as I had you as my inspiration.
    Love momma

  7. 96 Be a phenomenal daughter.
    This is one that should not have even been put on. To us you have always have been phenomenal, amazing, bright, and a beautiful daughter.
    So cross this off this time.
    Love Momma & Daddy
