Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Gift of Love

The other day I was looking at my facebook wall and noticed a "gift".  The only gift I have is a heart shaped cookie with The four letter word written on it, "Love". The gift was from Mike.  And it made me smile, then giggle, then think...

It's an interesting thing, this love thing, because we use it so easily and freely sometimes and then so carefully others.  Also its an odd thing how love can grow and die as if its a plant or a person.  Then I ask, if you feed love, water it, clothe it, talk to it, and nurture it, why the hell can't it last a lifetime?

At the end of the day however, as with any life, you learn from it, you smile, laugh, cry, have adventures and has the love really died after all?  It may not be present any longer, but the lessons learned and experienced had will live on in the heart, mind, and soul.

So do our pasts really need to have a future?

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