This weekend I wanted to get out of Daejeon for some rest and relaxation in the mountains. Plans don't always pan out however so I went with the flow of the weekend.
I worked Saturday morning handing out ECC notebooks to children and parents at Elementary schools. Then I went downtown with a camera in hand to have green tea lattes on a terrace, and snap pictures of whatever struck my fancy.

The weather was perfect. The inspiration aplenty. While waiting for Kevin to meet me for a drink and dinner I wandered over to an outdoor stage where there happened to be some music playing. There was an awesome crowd of Korean punks and skaters, which in Daejeon at least, is a rare sight. I spent about an hour walking around the area taking pics and listening to good music, which was such a delight and welcomed change. While taking pictures, I was approached by a dude with a very strange haircut...I'm talking mohawk that covered his eyes completely. I have no idea how he could see, but I guess he could. His English was poor but he provided a refreshing glimpse at Koreans. In his broken English and my broken Korean we "communicated" for awhile about music, teaching, cameras, and friends.

Kevin arrived so we head to an outdoor patio for an afternoon beer or two and some grub. With the music in the background, guys practicing tricks on their bikes and skateboards, a beer in my hand, and the sunshine on my face, I felt as though I could have been by the lakefront at home. It was somewhat of a surreal moment.
Later we head to the movie theatre to meet up with Brian and Megan to see Ironman 2, have dinner, and go for some casual evening drinks.
What a beautiful day full of interesting people, great conversation, cute lattes, warm sunshine, and stunning flowers.
If you were Picasso, these photos would definitely belong to your 'blue period'. :)