Today the sun was out in full force and as expected, my reflective white skin changed to a light shade of pink. Along with the pinkish tone, small orange freckles popped up to greet summer with an impressive display.
I used to, and still do receive comments like "damn girl! you need a tan!", but my response to that is "shove it! I love my skin as is thank you!"

The sad truth is that as a teen, I hated my skin colour. I hated my freckles. Why?
Probably because it made me different. It made me stand out. Maybe because I didn't see it as beautiful. Definitely because of how careful, cautious, and consistent I needed to be to protect my skin from burning to a crisp...I'm talking sunscreen everyday of my life no matter the season, and a sunscreen of 50 spf!
I'll be the first to admit that i still hate having to slop on greasy, pore clogging sunscreen everyday, but I just accepted the fact that I can't change it. Once I accepted it 'as is' I started to notice myself appreciating it. Appreciating being different.
My beautiful orange freckles are a part of my dad. My milky, white chocolate skin tone is a part of my mum. I love them both, and I truly love being a "white chocolate cookie" as some of my students have dubbed me.
Wow, how I can relate to this entry!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a teenager I was teased about being olive complected (green legs! green legs!) and although it was never the biggest of my insecurities (my nose was and still is), it was something I wasn't really comfortable with...until I met my biological father and discovered that I was half Greek!
I am proud of my (Greek) olive skin now (and in the process of learning how to love my awkward (Greek) nose)
After all, they were gifts from my father =)
Have a great week,
ReplyDeleteHahah, my pasty sister ~ I hear you. And yes, as much as we hear, "Teacher what are thooooose?" I think freckles are damn cute!
ReplyDeleteEmbrace thy face, cause it's a good one! (Hey, you're at my door... so I'm gonna cut this short) Wee.
I love your skin tone too Meaggy. Anything else and you would look silly. Don't trust me, just google images Lindsay Lohan. Orange is not a skin tone :S
ReplyDeletePlus all that sunscreen you slather on will just keep you looking young for years to come.
Oh yes, and as someone with no freckles, not even any on the nose, I can honestly say I always felt cheated. I think they are adorable.
White chocolate cookie eh? Well, you look yummy to me!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I also think freckles are adorable.