I thought about things like, 'my finger nails are strong and grow quickly', 'my hair is strong', 'I have great eye sight'...but that is completely copping out. If this is going to aid me in self development, I need to really think, really search and learn to love or admit that I love certain things about myself...even things that I'm sure others don't love about me.
So what did I come up with then?
I may still have copped out a bit this week, but this soul searching is a gradual process after all right? Well this week I had joined a group of people, after having enlisted my partner in crime Nico, to go paragliding. I was super pumped about it and asked Nico if she wanted to join me, and she responded with an enthusiastic "yes!", only to find out the night before that she is terrified of heights. Despite her fears, she joined me on this adventure. It was quite a long journey (about 2.5 hours in total), and in that time I did some thinking, and some talking. In our chatting I came to realize something that I love about myself, and I mean truly love!
So Week 2: I love love love the fact that I am adventurous!
I'm always excited to jump off mountains and cliffs, climb trees and rock faces, travel to new countries and cities, try new and/or disgusting foods, and experience the unexpected.
I know it makes my mum and dad sweat, worry, and lose sleep sometimes, but I always do keep my safety in mind. After all, if I love adventure so much why would I want to be frivolous and risk cutting my life and adventures short?
And as a side note, I'm happy to announce that this weekend lead to me crossing off number 57 from my Life List!!!
The landing spot
watching others from below
my partner in crime, Nico and I waiting for our turn
Finally! we're at the top and ready to get suited up!
Nico getting set up to fly
see mum I even wore a helmet!
one of the other girls, Judy, literally running off the side of the mountain to take off

patiently waiting to take a running leap

Nico shitting her pants

in flight
Soul searching is a forever process, I think, but a wonderful one at that.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this week was a cop out - jumping off a mountain isn't something everyone would do!
Congrats and best of luck with the rest of your list! (and 20/20 adventure!)
WEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Awesome! I wish I had more of this side... I would be with Nico, shitting (perhaps literally) in my pants!
ReplyDeleteYes, that is an excellent thing to love about yourself.
Maybe, juuuust maybe you'll be able to talk me into something like this before we both leave.
Congrats on jumping off of mountains and jumping into this project!
ok sarah you realize you've just given me a challenge! I will certainly work on getting you jumping off something!!!
Well done Meagan, yes I would not do that. can't wait for the vidio